(305) 974-5533


Leon Anijar, MD, Specializing in Regenerative Medicine

regenerative medicine pain doctor South Beach

Leon Anijar M.D specializes in non-invasive, non-surgical therapies and medicine. He is a licensed anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Management Specialist, who believes everyone deserves to live pain-free lives. Dr. Anijar may be able to use Regenerative Medicine to provide you long-term pain relief and an increased range of motion and restore youthfulness in your joints. 

All of Dr. Anijar’s offices utilize the latest technology and techniques to pinpoint the true root of chronic pain in each of his patients. He will take his time to learn the ins and outs of your day to day to life, and how chronic pain is currently hindering your needs. He will personally customize a treatment plan which is tailored to you and your body. 

We urge you to set up a consultation at one of our Florida offices through the online portal or by giving us a call. We provide top of the line medical services to those in the Aventura, South Beach, and Miami areas.

What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine is the process of creating living, functional tissues to replace or repair damaged tissue or organ function, typically lost due to a patient’s age, disease, or other congenital disabilities. Regenerative medicine is considered a research branch of tissue engineering and molecular biology, and aids the body with natural healing processes. It can often help you restore normal functions of your body you once lost.

Another approach to regenerative medicine is the growth of tissues and organs in a laboratory, outside of the body, and implanting them. This is done in cases where the body cannot heal itself independently or with other more conservative techniques. 

Other approaches to regenerative medicine may include the injection of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). These cells are typically obtained through cell therapies, regeneration by biologically active molecules, or transplantation of in vitro grown organs and tissues. The injection of these cells and PRP encourage natural healing in your body.

Dr. Anijar offers injections of PRP and stem cells conveniently in-office. 

regenerative medicine south beach

How Can Regenerative Medicine Help You?

“Regenerative medicine aims to alter the current practice of medicine by treating the root causes of disease and disorders,” states the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM). Regenerative medicine could potentially solve the problem of the current shortage of organs available for donation, as well as eliminating complications of organ transplant rejection in patients.

“Ninety percent of people with back pain don’t need surgery.  There are so many other procedures we can utilize, such as Regenerative Therapy,” stated ARM. Dr. Anijar may be able to use Regenerative Medicine to provide you long-term pain relief and an increased range of motion.

PRP or stem cell injections can be used to treat a variety of conditions, such as (but not limited to) :

  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Neuropathy
  • Herniated discs
  • Injuries
  • Degenerative disc disease

If you suffer from chronic pain, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Anijar, so he can determine if you’re a candidate for treatments using regenerative medicine. 

Benefits of Regenerative Medicine

Some of the many benefits of Regenerative Medicine are (but not limited to):

  • Minimally invasive injections
  • Substances injected are already found in your body
  • Greatly reduced risk of rejection or other allergic reactions
  • Most patients experience a significant improvement in mobility
  • Reduced pain
  • Can prolong or eliminate the need for surgery
  • Reduced risk and scarring 
  • Shorter recovery times

To find out more about the many benefits of regenerative medicine, visit ARM or call one of Dr. Anijar’s offices today. Our team of medical professionals is eager to help you. 

How Does Regenerative Medicine Treat Chronic Pain?

Stem cells can be harvested from your fatty tissues or bone marrow, while PRP can be drawn from your blood. Stem cells have the ability to regenerate into any cell, making them ideal for promoting natural healing in your body. PRP contains special growth factors that stimulate your body’s natural production of new tissues. 

Injections of PRP and stem cells are made of substances harvested from your blood and body, limiting the risk of any infections or complications. The cells injected regenerate and will heal the body naturally, from the inside out. 

Dr Anijar, director of South Beach’s Spine and Wellness Centers of America is proud to offer Regenerative Therapy – a cutting-edge, natural treatment that works to restore the structure and function of damaged tissues and organs.  It’s a modern solution created for the body to use its own regenerative capabilities to treat diseases and injuries without surgery.

Dr. Anijar specializes in non-invasive, non-surgical therapies, and medicine. As a board certified anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Management Specialist, he believes everyone deserves to live pain-free, healthy lives. 

Set up a consultation at one of our Florida offices through the online portal, or give us a call today if you are struggling with your chronic pain. We are here and happy to help you.

If you are struggling with your chronic pain. We are here and happy to help you.