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Leon Anijar, MD, Specializing in Neuropathy

neuropath pain doctor South Beach

Pain management can be an integral part of some of our daily lives, especially for those who experience chronic pain. Neuropathy can be painful and debilitating. Leon Anijar, MD, an Interventional Pain Management Specialist, has dedicated his career to giving those who struggle with neuropathy a better chance at living high-quality, pain-free lives again.

At Dr. Anijar’s South Florida offices in Aventura, South Beach, and Miami, he utilizes the latest diagnostic technology and equipment to find the true cause(s) of your neuropathy. He then personalizes and customizes long-term pain management plans for each of his patients, to maximize results in both pain relief and neck mobility.

To learn more about available treatment options for neuropathy, please call our office or request a consultation through the online portal. 

Common Symptoms of Neuropathy

The symptoms of Neuropathy can vary from patient to patient and can also be diverse in intensity. However, the most common symptoms of neuropathy are (but not limited to):

  • Tingling or numbness in the hands, feet, or limbs
  • Sharp, stabbing pains
  • Limbs feeling weak or, at times, heavy
  • Feeling like your legs or arms can lock in place
  • Dropping things often
  • Excessive sweating
  • A drop in blood pressure
  • Sexual dysfunction, especially in men
  • Constipation or diarrhea (or other digestive difficulties)

According to an article in Healthline, these symptoms can also indicate other conditions, so it is important you make sure Dr. Anijar knows about all of your symptoms. He will always take his time to learn the ins and outs of your medical history and your health needs, to provide the best treatments available for your body.

neuropathy pain doctor in south beach

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is defined as a disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness, known as Peripheral Neuropathy. Your peripheral nervous system connects the nerves from your brain and spinal cord, or your central nervous system, to the rest of your body.

The job of these nerves is to deliver signals about physical sensations back to your brain. Peripheral Neuropathy is a disorder that occurs when these nerves malfunction and send pain signals to the brain when one shouldn’t be experiencing pain. These unwarranted pain signals can, of course, be extremely painful for some patients.

In some cases of Neuropathy, when something is harming you, these nerves will neglect to send any pain signals to your brain, and this, of course, can be extremely dangerous. 

The National Institue of Neurological Disorders and Stroke explains that these nerve disruptions typically occur in one of three ways:

  • loss of signals usually sent (like a broken wire)
  • inappropriate signaling when there shouldn’t be any (like static on a telephone line)
  • errors that distort the messages being sent (like a wavy television picture)

If you are or may be struggling with Neuropathy, and the pain has become a disruption to your life, Dr. Anijar and his team urge you to schedule a consultation in one of their Florida offices as soon as possible.

Causes of Neuropathy

There are many causes of Neuropathy. Some of the most common causes of neuropathy caused by nerve compression, or a pinched nerve, include:

  • Tumors
  • Arthritis
  • Bone spurs
  • Inflammation
  • Herniated discs
  • Sciatica
  • Injury or trauma
  • Age-related degeneration and changes in the body

Some of the other possible causes of Peripheral Neuropathy Dr. Anijar treats are (but are not limited to):

  • Inherited disorders
  • Infections
  • Diabetes
  • Systemic Illnesses

According to Healthline, people who have a family history of peripheral neuropathy are more likely to develop the disorder than others. The most common cause of neuropathy in patients is diabetes. 

Diagnosing Neuropathy

To determine if a patient has Neuropathy, Dr, Anijar will take his time and be extremely attentive to your health concerns and medical history during a personal consultation. He will assess the patient’s areas experiencing pain, and pay attention to any possible swelling, inflammation, redness, and other sensitivities. 

To confirm a diagnosis, he may request imaging tests, like X-rays or an MRI, to get a closer look at the inner structures to pinpoint the cause of your pain. All of Dr. Anjiar’s offices provide convenient on-site X-raying and digital imaging if they are needed. 

After a diagnosis is confirmed, Dr. Anijar and his team will design a customized treatment and pain management plan to reduce pain and increase your mobility. The ultimate goal is always to provide patients with high-quality, pain-free lives again.

Treatments and Pain Management with Dr. Anijar

Dr. Anijar may, first, recommend injections of steroids or anesthetic medications into the affected nerve(s) to relieve inflammation and pain. Anesthetic injections may also be used to make it easier for you to engage in physical therapy. Physical therapy and non-stressing, at-home exercise may help naturally relieve built-up pressure.

Dr. Anijar also specializes in regenerative medicine therapies and non-surgical techniques, which utilize injections of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to promote the natural growth of new nerve tissue.

Spinal cord stimulation is another treatment option offered to severe cases of neuropathy. This treatment involves implanting a device that connects to your nervous system and delivers shallow currents of electricity throughout the body. The electricity interferes with your pain signals traveling to the brain and allows you to easily control your pain levels. 

If you are struggling with neuropathy symptoms and experiencing chronic pain, we urge you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anijar today. Please call our office or schedule your appointment through our online portal. 

Dr. Anijar and his team of medical professionals are waiting, and happy to help.