(305) 974-5533


Leon Anijar, MD, Back Pain Specialist

back pain doctor South Beach

Has chronic back pain started to affect your daily life? Are you unable to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle, because of your back pain? If you answered yes to either of those questions, it’s probably time to see a back pain specialist. 

Leon Anijar M.D, Interventional Pain Management Specialist, has dedicated his career to giving those who struggle with chronic back pain, a better chance at living high-quality, active, and pain-free lives. At both of Dr. Anijar’s Florida offices, in Aventura and Miami Beach, he utilizes the latest diagnostic technology and equipment to find the true cause(s) of your back pain. 

To learn more about available treatment options for your chronic back pain, please call our office today or request a consultation through the online portal. Let Dr. Anijar and his team of medical professionals personalize both a treatment and pain management plan that helps you take control of your life back.

When to Seek Help

According to the Institute for Chronic Pain (ICP), 25% of the population will report having back pain at some point during the last three months, at any given time. It is one of the most common reasons for medical visits. ICP states, “The vast majority of cases of new back pain will resolve within a few weeks to months.” The pain comes, and then the pain goes.

What do you do when the pain doesn’t go away? 

When the pain is lingering (persisting for 6 months or longer) and is starting to hinder one’s ability to maintain an active life, it is a good idea to seek a medical opinion or get some help. You should never allow yourself to settle for a low-quality, low-active lifestyle, because of your pain. 

If this is you, please reach out to one of Dr. Anijar’s offices today.

Causes of Chronic Back Pain

There are many possible causes for back pain. According to ICP, “Broadly speaking, the many common causes of back pain can be divided into three categories: muscular, orthopedic, and nervous. Less common causes of back pain are spinal fractures, infection and cancer. ” Most acute or temporary back pain heals on its own, with proper rest, hydration, and over the counter medicine(s).

Some of the most common causes of chronic back pain include, but are but are not limited to: arthritis, scoliosis, infections, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, compression fractures, and degenerative disc disease. 

If you’re currently struggling with any of these causes of chronic back pain, Dr. Anijar, Pain Management Specialist, can help you. He and his team will take both their time and due diligence, to locate the true cause of your pain, so that a treatment and pain management plan can be designed and tailored to you and your health’s needs.

Diagnosing Back Pain

A physical exam of the back and spine, to see if there is any swelling or tenderness in the area, is usually the first step in Dr. Anijar’s process of diagnosing any cause(s) of your back pain. Providing patients with a pain-free, more active life, is always the ultimate goal. Dr. Anijar will take his time to personally listen to your health concerns, as well as ask questions about how chronic pain is currently hindering the ins and outs of your day to day life. 

Diagnostic X-rays and other digital imaging/testing may be necessary to assess your condition’s severity, which are all done conveniently on-site.

Treatments and Pain Management 

Dr. Anijar specializes in a variety of nonsurgical treatments and conservative therapies which treat and manage chronic back pain. He utilizes regenerative treatments and therapies to address damaged areas, including injections of stem cells or platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which aid in natural healing.

Other means of treatment Dr. Anijar may use to address chronic back pain are (but not limited to):

  • Nerve blocking, to disrupt pain signals which are sent from the brain.
  • Injections of corticosteroids and other anesthetic medications to aid in pain management and decrease inflammation. 

Memorial Hermann Mischer Neuroscience Association stated, “Injections are non-surgical options when medicine and physical therapy do not provide intended outcomes and can also help identify the exact source of pain.”

For some patients, non-surgical pain relief techniques and treatments might not be an ideal solution. After your consultation, if Dr. Anijar finds your condition is not suitable for conservative therapies, he may refer you to an outside party for surgery.

If you are struggling with chronic back pain, and live in Aventura, Miami, Miami Beach, or surrounding areas, Dr. Anijar and his team of dedicated medical professionals urge you to call his office or set up a consultation. 

Stop letting pain rule you. Let Dr. Anijar help you take back control of your life today.