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pain management miami
Leon Anijar, MD

Leon Anijar, MD

Interventional Pain Management Specialist

New Year, New You, New Location: South Beach, Miami

The new year often brings us inspiration for doing more and being more. Of course, this is in relation to all aspects of our lives, but most importantly, there often comes an inspiration to be more fit physically and/or take back control of your health in some way or another. 

Some of my patients are aging athletes whose pain or ailments from injury are currently hindering us from a level of activity we once were able to sustain, and the goal is to work on feeling like ourselves again. Some of my patients want to lose or manage weight, while others simply want to feel good and healthy in their skin. Whichever health goal you may have in mind for yourself, if you suffer from chronic pain of any kind, especially pain resulting from an injury, these goals can seem daunting, or even at times impossible, to achieve. 

Whether your persistent pain is caused by a disease or by an athletic injury, you should never allow chronic pain to keep you from living the lifestyle you wish to sustain. Here are some helpful, attainable goals for building a New Year resolution plan, which will aid in reducing one’s pain levels over time:

  1. Be more mindful; be more present in the moment. 
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Eat Healthier.
  4. Learn stress management and coping skills that work for you.
  5. Get better sleep, and for eight hours a day.

Whether you choose just one of the above goals for yourself, are ambitious and select all five, or choose a completely different health-related goal, you’ve already decided to start living a life in 2021 with less pain and less restriction. How exciting is that?! 

If your goals add up to ultimately being the best, healthiest version of yourself again – but you are worried an injury, chronic pain, or another health concern are going to get in the way of you achieving that goal (or even slow you down significantly) — I want to urge you to make an appointment with a pain management specialist. Your health goals are not impossible. They are attainable – you just may need some help getting there, and that is okay!

Forcing yourself into an extremely healthy and active lifestyle, your body is not yet capable of, will not withstand the tale of time if you’re not properly managing your pain. It is not weak to seek help where it’s needed; it makes you brave and proactive. 

Finding attentive and knowledgeable medical specialists at a convenient location can be even more challenging than your health goal itself; and most likely, as unfortunate as it may seem, you are not going to really achieve your health goals without finding a medical professional who can help guide you back to a pain-free life. Especially if an athletic injury is what is hindering you currently. 

Leon Anijar, MD, has now opened a new medical-office location in South Beach to provide more convenient pain management services to Florida residents who suffer from chronic pain caused by several diseases, injuries, or other health ailments. If you are an athlete, who has suffered from an injury that is now hindering your once active lifestyle, Dr. Anijar is conveniently nearby and ready to aid you in taking your 2021 health goals by the horns.

On historic Washington Avenue in Miami Beach now stands a cutting-edge facility run by Dr. Anijar and his medical staff. Dr. Anijar’s new location opened during the third quarter of 2020; His grand opening just in time to help Miami Beach residents and surrounding areas achieve their 2021 health resolutions for the new year. Dr. Anjar and his staff are ready to begin diagnosing and treating patients with conditions that result in the need for effective pain management, as well as those in need of regenerative medicine. 

Dr. Anijar, along with Spine and Wellness Centers of America (SWCA), will bring a multidisciplinary interventional pain medicine practice to South Beach, built around a highly-trained team of neurologists, physical therapists, and spine surgeons and physiatrists. Each person who walks through the South Beach location’s door will receive customized, comprehensive treatment plans that have been designed and personalized for their body’s needs. 

Dr. Anijar and his team will also be sharing the space with Dr. Matthew Cooper DC, CCSP. His practice, USA Sports Medicine, is Miami’s top sports and regenerative medicine facility, which offers world-class physical therapy and chiropractic services. The opportunity of working alongside each other is exciting, and with now a myriad of services that complement each other, Dr. Anijar and Dr. Cooper will be offering patients of SWCA a full range of pain management and sports medicine treatment options in South Beach.

As cliché as “new year, new you” may seem in 2020, it’s also true that most clichés are clichés for a reason. It is you, and only you, who chooses whether you will start new this year and improve your life, or if you will remain complacent to an unhealthier and pain-hindered life. 

We all know making a goal or resolution is easy, but sticking to it is the hard part. So, let Dr. Anijar and his team design a pain management plan that helps set you up for success. Let 2021 be the year you take back control of your life and start living again.

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